Displaying Second Life Desktop Wallpapers With The Free Awsome Wallpaper App
In a number of previous tutorials we've shown how to use images created in Second Life as desktop wallpapers. Probably the most versatile app mentioned was Wallpaper Engine which, although very versatile some may not like due to its small price tag.
Ignoring the issue of the paltry cost of Wallpaper Engine, possibly the most off putting thing for potential users is the need to be signed up to, and have Steam installed before the app can be opened. (Steam is excellent and I recommend installing it, but it can be a little inconvenient if all you want to do is create wallpapers from Second Life images).
For these reasons an easier alternative for displaying Second Life desktop wallpapers is Awesome Wallpaper, which is free to download and use.
Creating Desktop Wallpapers With Awesome Wallpaper
Awesome Wallpaper can display a number of different kinds of desktop wallpapers, but the two we'll focus on here are wallpapers consisting of a gallery of images and animated desktop wallpapers. The process for creating both is very similar.
2/ Unzip the downloaded file.
3/ To run Awesome Wallpaper, open the unzipped folder and double click on the icon highlighted above.
4/ Right click on the ^ icon to the right of the computer's Taskbar, then right click on the Awesome Wallpaper icon. The menu above will appear. Click on Settings.
5/ This window will now appear. There is a tab for each type of desktop wallpaper, as well as a General tab.
6/ To create a gallery wallpaper (i.e, a slideshow) you'll first need a folder containing all the images you want to use. Click the Gallery tab.
7/ To navigate to the folder containing the images, click the grey button to the right of 'Folder with images'. Select the folder and click OK in the navigation pane.
8/ Enter a number in the 'Interval between images' box for the time delay between images. Here 0 has been added so one image will immediatelly follow another.
In the 'Show image (sec)' box enter the length of time each image will be displayed. Here 180 seconds (or three minutes) has been entered.
When you're ready hit OK.
9/ Select the General tab again.
10/ From the Wallpaper Type drop down list select Gallery. Now hit OK. The images in the selected folder will now display in turn on your desktop.
2/ Select the General tab, and from the Wallpaper Type drop down list select Video. Now hit OK. The video will now be your animated desktop wallpaper.
We hope you enjoy not only using the wallpapers available here, but also feel inspired to create your own. There is so much originality and creativity in Second Life that we're sure many residents will generate some unique ideas for desktop wallpapers.